Tactical Urbanism: Opportunity or fiasco?


Pros and cons of a widely extended practice that allows live prototyping while awakening controversy and loud detractors. Two experts will try to convince the audience to support or to dismiss this mushrooming urbanistic trend that has been already implemented in cities like Barcelona, Paris or Medellin.

Barcelona Zero Carbon


With its decarbonization, the Port of Barcelona aims to achieve emission neutrality by 2050. The challenge is to achieve a balance between sustainability, competitiveness, and growth. The decarbonization of the port activity will also allow influencing the logistics chains used by the port and its agents. The electrification of docks to allow ships to connect, energy transition plans based on the generation of renewable energies and the promotion of sustainable mobility, … are just a few examples of the ambitious projects being carried out by the Port to achieve its goals.

Welcome to the era of smart infrastructures


Cities and large infrastructures can work even more efficiently without polluting: utopia or reality? There can only be one answer to this, and fortunately there are some on-going, successful projects and plans that give us reasons for hope: smart buildings, new energy & transport models, efficient waste & water management… Listen first-hand to insights and impact KPIs from experts leading great efforts to achieve thriving and resilient areas.

Projecting the port of the future 👉 Port of Barcelona, IV Strategic Plan 2021-2025


The Fourth Strategic Plan 2021-2025 launched by the Port of Barcelona is a unique approach to the digital & environmental transformation that a port should address today in order to become an efficient, green and future-proof infrastructure. Jordi Torrent, Head of Business Strategy, and Carles Rua, Head of Innovation, talk about the new social, economic […]

FOCUS SESSIONS #1 – Local actions tackling global challenges


Even as different increasingly pressing worldwide issues such as connectivity or the digital divide are global challenges, local and regional involvement is required to stimulate an effective bottom-up transformation. These first focus sessions will draw out key approaches on how local authorities, from a specific territorial vision, can start improving connectivity and digital policies in […]

Digital skills: Getting ready for the future of work


Rapid technological advances are transforming the world of work, bringing both opportunities and challenges. As the world is transforming towards a digital society, our skills and infrastructures need to be upgraded.

How to stay connected in an ever growing digital world


Connectivity is becoming a new human right. Access to medical services, education, training and work opportunities increasingly depends on connectivity in today’s world. In this context, how can local governments tackle the existing digital gap?