Corporate Purpose: from Trend to Reality


The traditional focus on shareholder value is changing, and fast. It’s no longer just about making money; corporate purpose is also a major game-changer. For most companies, however, that doesn’t go much further than a carefully crafted statement purpose. What should corporate purpose really be about? And what should be the principles guiding it?

Activating Strategic Alliances


Strategic alliances among all sectors and stakeholders are key to ensure that we collectively remain on track towards the objectives outlined in the Agenda 2030. Yet forging new multi-stakeholder partnerships and also novel partnership platforms requires new capacities to build back together after covid-19. How can these partnerships be articulated to be at the service of society?

Better Together: Partnerships for the Planet


Developing peaceful, inclusive societies is the key to successful sustainable development, but it hinges on major global partnerships: the private, public and social sectors need to join forces and make use of all the resources at their disposal. BforPlanet is a platform for creating and boosting these partnerships, bringing us closer to hitting the goals laid out in the 2030 Agenda.

Inauguration: Resilient Governance is Good Governance


If there’s one thing the COVID-19 crisis has taught us, it’s that local problems need to be fought with global coordination. The 2030 Agenda is a blueprint for moving towards new and improved forms of international governance, focusing on the human aspects of growth, justice and well-being. We’re now at a crossroads of the next stage of human development – one that can only be by and for the many, not the few. Living together, deciding together.

Turning Climate Action Risks into Opportunities


Companies can and should focus on reducing emissions by 1.5ºC, and commit to being net-zero, while still making higher profits. But what are the best ways to manage climate risks and at the same time explore their inherent opportunities? How can we address changes in the market and regulatory environment? And how do we speed up the low-carbon transition?

Odile Rodriguez de la Fuente | Keynote Session | Climate for Change


Humanity is facing the greatest challenge it has ever encountered in its short but proliferous history. The main lesson we can draw, from the current systemic crisis, is that we cannot continue living, collectively and individually, against nature. But what if the current climate crisis was an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and rethink our identity? How are nature-based solutions helping achieve this goal? Can we really relate to our environment in a much healthier and wise way?

Planet in Need. Business in Action


BForPlanet provides a platform for debate and engagement around the issues facing humanity in the coming years. The event aims to be a crucial cog not only in tackling climate change, but also in enabling a shift towards creating a sustainable, more rewarding economy to build strong relationships and partnerships. We’re calling on everyone who is willing to be part of the solution, not the problem, to join us and talk about the vital need to be active and fight for our increasingly threatened world.

Take note: Efficient & agile management for resilient cities – and in budget!

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As countries around the world set goals to become climate neutral in the coming years, cities got down to work yet. The roadmap towards more resilient cities and greenhouse gas neutrality is on, but it implies many cross-sector approaches: city-wide energy and water efficiency, territorial strategic plans, district-focused circularity… How can communities, territories and entire nations talk to each other to jointly reach global climate targets?