PlayIcon How AI-powered LiDAR technology is rapidly gaining momentum, playing a transformative role in enhancing life within smart cities
PlayIcon The Power of Ecosystems: Solving Urban Mobility Challenges Through Cross-Sector Collaboration
PlayIcon A quick overview of the leading initiatives driving the deployment of robotaxis for the streets of tomorrow
PlayIcon What are V2H vehicles with bidirectional charging, and why are they critical for improving the resilience of cities?
PlayIcon A journey through the history of London’s underground system, one of the world’s most influential works
PlayIcon How many electric vehicle charging standards exist and how is it affecting the adoption of zero-emission mobility?
PlayIcon Martin Vendel, EIT UM, Giovanni Circella, University of Ghent & Benjamin Buttner, Technical University of Munich: Mobility academy programs
PlayIcon Seleta Reynolds, Los Angeles Country Metropolitan Authority: Bringing urban mobility innovations to market
PlayIcon Marta Alvarez, EIT UM, Pascal Feillard, Capgemini Engineering & Jean Michel Genestier, Métropole du Grand Paris: Urban mobility status in the south region
PlayIcon Maria Tsavachidis, EIT UM, Richar Barrington, Angoka & Laia Pages, Carnet: Innovate, implement and lead, urban mobility solutions
PlayIcon Timoyhy Papandreou, Emerging Transport Advisors & Daniel Serra, EIT UM: Urban Mobility Ecosystem in Europe
PlayIcon Lluis Puerto, EIT UM & Witold Statkiewicz, Lukasiewizc Institute of Logistics: Regions and cities that face challenges to compete in the EU or Global Market
PlayIcon Jennifer Holmes, Andy Dalton, Bijalu Yelchuru, Connor Upton, Accenture: The future of traffic safety and how Accenture is leading the charge in predictive and proactive measures for the evolving landscape of transportation
PlayIcon Sven Egenter, Clean Energy Wire & Bernadette Bergsma, EIT UM: How will mobility policies shape the cities we live in?
PlayIcon Karen Vancluysen, POLIS & Maxim Boyer, Toulouse Metropole: How can public-private collaborations support with meeting citizens
PlayIcon Melanie Grötsch, City of Munich & Santiago Calahorrano, EIT UM: Urban mobility status in the region of Central Europe
PlayIcon Marta Cudzillo, Poznan Institute of Technology & Eliska Bagjarova, EIT UM: Urban mobility status in the East region
PlayIcon Katarina Paoli, Nudgd & Matteo Consonni, EIT UM: Why and how do we invest in start-ups to make cities more liveable?
PlayIcon Sven Verstrepen, University of Ghent & Willem-Frederik Metzelaar, EIT UM: Urban mobility status in the West region
PlayIcon Inese Andersone, City of Riga & Anders Bengtsson, EIT UM: Urban mobility status in the North region
PlayIcon Solar power and electric cars: solar-powered charging stations as the most promising synergy
PlayIcon Noemi Moya, Micro-mobility for Europe | Micromobility Safety: Key to Adoption and Accessibility
PlayIcon EIT Urban Mobility, Forum Virium Helsinki | Up In The Air – Is Urban Air Mobility What Cities and Citizens Want?
PlayIcon Kshitija Desai, Skyroads | Up In The Air – Is Urban Air Mobility What Cities and Citizens Want?
PlayIcon Federico Savoldi, Solum Photovoltaic Innovation | The Right Infrastructure to Promote Shared and Active Mobility
PlayIcon Maria Tsavachidis, EIT Urban Mobility | On Green Transport, Sustainability Transitions, and European Growth
PlayIcon Dialogue with the Spanish Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda: Cities and Mobility of the Future
PlayIcon The evolving pattern of China’s public transport system: from pedals to high speed and back again
PlayIcon The Most Sustainable Building Is the One That Is Already Built: Multi-purpose and Healthy Spaces
PlayIcon Universal basic mobility: Cities tackle the transport gap with free transit, e-bikes and car sharing
PlayIcon Urban Mobility after COVID-19. Long-term strategies for the sustainable mobility transition in European cities
PlayIcon Cities are not ready (yet) for self-driving cars: these are the key aspects holding them back
PlayIcon Autonomous Transport Systems by ZF Group: A clean, safe, comfortable and affordable mobility for everyone, everywhere
PlayIcon Actionable Strategy Enabling the Prague Smart City Future: Mobility of the Future, Digital and Connected Cities, Autonomous Mobility
PlayIcon Outlook on the Micro-mobility Charging Infrastructure Global Market to 2028 – by Vehicle Type, Charger Type, Power Source, End-use, Region and Segment Forecasts
PlayIcon The City is resilient but it needs to nurture its small businesses and advocate for a return to the office
PlayIcon FM Global’s 2021 Resilience Index shows shift in top country, Hong Kong growing less resilient, Ukraine improving
PlayIcon ‘Better done than perfect’: Micro-mobility scale-up TIER opens up about its expansion journey
PlayIcon Australian e-scooters’ bumpy ride: ‘Like when automobiles appeared on streets filled with horses’
PlayIcon The new cars and alternative vehicles in cities: connected, electric, autonomous and on-demand
PlayIcon Cloudics: Solutions for fueling stations that can be operated from the cloud-based web manager, by Astro Baltics
PlayIcon “Honk more, wait more”. Mumbai tests anti-toot traffic lights to curb noise pollution and jams
PlayIcon Janette Sadik-Khan, former NYC Transportation Commissioner: Freedom is about being able to go anywhere without having to use a car
PlayIcon Black Swan: a 100% electric passenger boat will cruise down the Seine using recycled batteries
PlayIcon Bicycles And Buses Will Be Future’s Dominant Modes Of Urban Mobility, Predict 346 Transport Experts
PlayIcon Measuring mobility to monitor travel and physical distancing interventions: a common framework for mobile phone data analysis