Mastering mobility with the 15-minute city

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Coined in 2016 by researcher and professor Carlos Moreno, the ‘15-minute city’ concept gained popularity (and infamy) during the COVID-19 pandemic. As people around the world adapted to the necessity of working from home, awareness about the quality of residents’ immediate neighbourhoods came to the fore and debates about the development of liveable cities were robust. The 15-minute city concept, which Moreno explained as “an urban set-up where locals are able to access all of their basic essentials at distances that would not take them more than 15 min by foot or by bicycle” seems simple enough.

But what are the defining characteristics of a 15-minute city? And what kinds of difficulties may be faced when adapting to this model? A study commissioned by EIT Urban Mobility and conducted by researchers at the Technical University of Munich, entitled ‘±15 Minute City: Human-centred planning in action’ aimed to dive deeper into these questions.

MORE INFO: EIT Urban Mobility

IMAGES FROM: EIT Urban Mobility

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