How can declining birth rates affect cities?

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It is undeniable that our species is facing a demographic transition. Structural reasons are more common in urban areas, and the number people voluntarily choosing not to have children or voluntary childlessness is increasing too.

What makes a walkable city

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What is and what defines a city of walkable or proximity city? What services, access, transportation, etc. should it have in order to make it fully walkable for its residents?

Can MaaS coexist with public transport?

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How can MaaS coexist with public transport? Mobility as a service can be a good complement to conventional public transport. How can they improve each other?

How to Design Future Resilient Cities?

GeoSpatial World

In order to make future cities resilient and sustainable, integration of technological innovation with existing infrastructures is crucial for accommodating teeming population and catering to their needs and aspirations.