Barcelona Declaration: European Cities for European Policymaking and Democracy

The Barcelona Declaration is the outcome of the European Summit of Mayors jointly organised by the City of Barcelona and Eurocities. It aims at strengthening cities participation in EU policymaking and European democracy. It is a call to improve the institutional relationship between cities, Member States, the European Commission and the European Parliament. The declaration […]

World Smart City Awards 2023

The annual World Smart City Awards is a prestigious international competition that seeks to recognize pioneering projects, ideas and strategies making cities around the world more livable, sustainable, and economically viable. In 2023, we received 411 top-level proposals from 63 countries worldwide. Meet the 2023 edition’s pioneering award winners!

Propelling Urban Living with Enabling Tech

How can emerging technologies drive positive change in cities? Innovations in technology like IoT, AI, and smart infrastructure promise to revolutionize cities, elevating sustainability, connectivity, and overall living standards. To harness this transformative potential, it is important to explore the digitalization’s impact on urban life, its advantages and its challenges. Are cities ready for this […]

Tiny Steps and Giant Leaps – Lessons Learned and a Look Ahead in Mobility Innovation

The last 15 years, starting in 2008, have represented an unprecedented boom in transportation innovation and investment from the private markets and public sector. As we catch our breath and take stock, shared lessons learned offer a foundation for what comes next. Hope and optimism remain about mobility’s potential to ease some of our greatest […]

From Climate Goals to Action: Cities Taking Charge

In a world grappling with escalating emissions, cities are spearheading climate goals into action. From discourse to implementation, reducing carbon footprints, fostering resilient communities, exploring alternative energy pathways, and implementing innovative strategies is at the core of city planning. How are urban centres becoming powerful catalysts in driving the required change to attain a sustainable […]

Innovate or Die: The New Urban Imperative

In the lead up to the COVID-19 pandemic, cities like San Francisco were viewed as models for the future. Their embrace of the tech economy built new skyscrapers and transformed the urban landscape. Then, the world changed. Learn how cities like San Francisco are reinventing themselves, rethinking the possibilities of urban living, and providing a […]

Green and Thriving Neighbourhoods: It Is All About People and Proximity

Past urban models are no longer fit for purpose. They promote sprawl, pollute the air, as well as generate long commute, fragmentation and loss of social cohesion. It is urgent to makes our cities more sustainable and desirable, to ensure proximity to amenities and services in every neighbourhood, and to create public spaces that act […]

The Role of Governance in a Just and Sustainable Mobility Transition

This high-level roundtable will tackle key questions about the role of governance in ensuring not only a sustainable transition, but also a just one. The impact on people as part of the transition to net-zero mobility in cities will be explored alongside examples of successful public-private collaborations to resolve city mobility challenges, both from a […]

Liquid lifestyles, behaviours and needs in the future

The keynote will address and unfold various megatrends, in relations to the dynamics and intersections of future lifestyles, behaviours and needs. Where will we live, and how and by what will our lives be affected? And what will be the implications for new expectations, demands and desires in the future?