Jaqueline Lu, Helpful Places: Tech is the easy part, the harder part is building public trust

Jaqueline Lu, from Toronto, Canada, is the president and co-founder of Helpful Places, a mission-driven startup dedicated to advancing DTPR—an open-source system-to-people communication standard. This groundbreaking initiative aims to enhance legibility and foster civic dialogue regarding the use of digital technologies in the built environment. Jaqueline joined us to unravel the transformative potential of DTPR […]

Farrah Khan, City of Irvine: The park as a learning tool

In a historic moment in November 2020, Farrah N. Khan made history by becoming the 23rd Mayor of Irvine. Known for her visionary leadership and commitment to community, Mayor Khan has been at the forefront of shaping the city’s future. In this chat, we delve into her innovative approach to smart city initiatives and her […]

Oleg Polyvinko, Kyiv: A smart journey to safety and electronic democracy

Oleg Polyvinko is the Adviser to the Mayor of Kyiv City on Digitalization. Oleg’s strategic guidance is re-constructing Kyiv into a city where technology meets progress. In this chat, he unveils the city’s digital roadmap and how it’s creating a blueprint for smarter, more connected communities.

Building Intelligent Cities for Tomorrow

In the 21st Century, the convergence of technology and urban development is reshaping societies globally, making smart cities crucial for a sustainable future. The integration of generative AI into urban solutions is becoming a cornerstone of global smart city initiatives. Saudi Arabia has emerged as one of the front-runners, driving innovative projects utilizing IoT, digital […]

Smart city ecosystems – the future of cities starts now.

PwC is committed to providing our clients with rich insights on the dramatic shifts underway in how human beings move around; build, power, and make things; and feed ourselves. It is a broad, bold, strategic perspective that empowers cities of the future to promote prosperity and sustainability. It’s also part of a bigger story of […]