How leisure and sports are shaping urbanism: the case of Singapore

Author | Raquel C. Pico When envisioning what constitutes a smart city or the characteristics that will define the cities of the future, people often imagine highly technological environments reminiscent of futuristic films. Aspects such as sports, nature, and leisure do not typically occupy prominent positions in these utopian visions. However, these elements are fundamental […]

Singapore’s secrets: The world’s only urban blue zone

Author | Raquel C. Pico One of humanity’s greatest achievements is the pursuit of longevity. Life expectancy has steadily increased due to advancements in healthcare, improved hygiene practices, and better nutrition. In the past, reaching one hundred years of age was a rare achievement attained by only a select few. Today, it is not as […]

E bike fires are on the rise, sparking a need for improved consumer education

Author | Elvira Esparza In 2023, electric bikes were responsible for 268 fires in New York City, resulting in the deaths of 18 people since 2021. This statistic is just one indication of the danger posed by electric bikes catching fire. More specifically, this statistic highlights the dangers associated with the lithium-ion batteries that power […]

Why England, despite its climate, is at risk of running out of water

Author | Elvira Esparza Despite recording the rainiest 18 months on record, England is facing a drought in the coming months. This is an unusual water volatility situation, characterized by alternating periods of drought and flooding. The problem for cities in the country is that rainwater is not stored appropriately. Consequently, the Environment Agency predicts […]

The role of innovative urban planning in preparing for post-disaster recovery

Author | Raquel C. Pico Over the past two centuries, cities have steadily grown in both population and economic influence, and this pattern is not going to stop in the 21st century. In fact, urban power is set to further solidify in the coming years. Based on estimates from UN-Habitat, by 2050, 68% of the […]

Brief history of artificial intelligence

Brief history of artificial intelligence 24

Can a machine think? This simple question hides a major scientific, historical and philosophical journey. Giving an exact answer is not devoid of a defining utopian and transformative passage of the human being through the Universe.

Cities that are generating more solar power globally

Author | Raquel C. Pico  Renewable energies are a cornerstone in the journey towards city sustainability. Without transitioning to clean energy sources and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, achieving the established sustainability goals that are essential for addressing the challenges of the climate emergency will be impossible. It is within this context that the […]