New report sheds light on future of mobility in Canada’s big cities
18/02/2022 | Mirage
There’s more to making roads safer for women than just CCTV cameras
19/02/2022 | Business Insider
Bogota wins 2022 Sustainable Transport Award
20/02/2022 – Cities Today
With ‘Delhi Galiyara’, city women step closer to equality
17/02/2022 | The New Indian Express
How not to build a capital: what Indonesia can learn from other cities’ mistakes
16/02/2022 – The Jakarta Post
Cities through a ‘gender lens’
16/02/2022 – URBACT
Acton’s latest acquisition hints at the future of docked micromobility
15/02/2022 – Tech Crunch
Creating a mission-driven culture of innovation
15/02/2022 – Fast Company
Earthship construction: The key aspects of these homes made from recycled materials
Earthships, these low-rise, single-story structures developed in the United States during the 1970s, gained popularity towards the end of the 20th century thanks to the growing interest in low-impact building techniques. Despite the fact that under current standards, the model cannot be considered sustainable architecture, many of its original ideas can be found in bioclimatic architecture.
Can Smart Cities Be Inclusive?
12/02/2022 – Forbes