Augmented reality brings back extinct ice age animals

14/03/2022 – Science
How does Tokyo manage 14 million people on the move every day?

The Tokyo Metropolis, capital of Japan, is a city with a population of approximately 14 million. Every day, millions of citizens leave their homes to go to work, take their children to school or go shopping. How does Tokyo manage all these people on the move every day?
Five house plants in the office can cut air pollution by a fifth

13/03/2022 – The Times
The 10 most innovative augmented reality and virtual reality companies of 2022

12/03/2022 – Fast Company
Smart growth vs new urbanism

Are Smart Growth and New Urbanism sister trends? Although they are often confused, there are significant differences between the two movements. We tell you all about them!
Cities have a key role in empowering women

11/03/2022 – Cities Alliance
Is Remote Work Actually Better for the Environment?

10/03/2022 – Harvard Business Resivew
Circular Economy in Urban Design: Sustainability and Community Involvement

10/03/2022 – ArchDaily
Sustainable transport and cleaner solutions

08/03/2022 – Times Malta
Madrid Mobility 360: EMT integrated solution to MAAS

“Madrid Mobility 360” offers a unique fully functional MAAS solution, including booking, unlocking and payments and an innovative solution beyond the powerful “Madrid Mobility 360” route planner, which is a world first in this type of tool, offering to the user information on bus occupancy.