Opening the Future of Cities through SusHi Tech from Tokyo

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Tokyo faces the huge risks of climate change and natural disasters. Supporting this Tokyo is its smart infrastructure, which has been built over many years. Now is the time for cities to walk together toward the future, 100 years ahead, through open innovation among cities.

Transforming cities: towards greener, innovative and fairer urban futures

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We are experiencing an accelerated transformation due to the climate emergency, the digital transition and geopolitical events. They impact all levels of society and every area of our lives. Cities, as the spaces and systems that are closest and most representative to citizens, have to navigate those challenges by ensuring that no one is left […]

Carlos Moreno: The Revolution of Proximities. From Concept to Action

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The effects of the Covid-19 crisis have shown the need to rethink our cities’ urban planning. This session aims to review the concept of ‘The City of proximities’ or ‘The 15-Minute City’, a model that pursues a new urban lifestyle to favor economic, ecological, and social value in the proximity by providing extensive access to essential local services within a maximum distance of 10 to 15 minutes on foot or by bicycle, to create a new multi-center city.

Connected Cities Make It Further

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Technology is a critical foundation to advance safer and more sustainable and innovative cities globally. As new digital opportunities continue to advance, with computing power expanding, 5G being rolled out with 6G on the horizon, how can cities push to work on innovation focused on people and sustainability? How can datafication, blockchain, quantum computing, extended […]

AWS – The Smart Territory Framework: Building Ideas and Solutions

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We’ve seen a rapid evolution of technology within the last twenty years. This has been thanks to the pioneering efforts of many innovators, who’ve boldly pursued their dreams and set-up their own enterprises. However, to maintain a level of innovation, it is important for collaboration and support to be accessible. Amazon Web Services has a set of open-source modules called the Smart Territory Network, which cities can use to build their respective ideas and solutions.

DELL TECHNOLOGIES – A System of Systems and a Network Intelligence

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Estimates suggest that cities are responsible for 75% of global CO2 emissions, with transport and buildings being among the largest contributors. But as centers for innovation, cities are also an essential part of the solution to an increasingly warming planet. Digital technologies are key is powering the transformation in urban environments around the world. To discuss this increasingly important issue, we’re joined by Mr. James Meakin, Global Industries Marketing Director at Dell Technologies.

Deloitte – Simplifying City Management With Data Models and Digital Twins

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Many cities are facing unprecedented challenges ranging from the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic to climate impacts that are only becoming more frequent and more disastrous. But times of crisis are also the perfect breeding ground for innovation – and cities are now looking for new ways to deal with challenges and improve the lives of their citizens as quickly and efficiently as possible. To discuss some of these new and exciting innovations, we’re joined by Mr. Jean Barroca, Global Public Sector Digital Modernization Leader at Deloitte.

Ron Finley: Gangsta Gardening Spearheading Greener Cities

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Known around the world as the Gangsta Gardener, in 2010 Ron Finley set out to reclaim the neglected dirt patches next to the streets by planting fresh produce. After a turf war with the City of Los Angeles for gardening without a permit, he managed to change the law and allow local communities to use parkways as communal gardens. Over ten years later, these gardens have not only grown fresh produce but have also created healthier and more sustainable communities.

Cisco – Industry and Public Sector working together to keep cities connected

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While government and citizen’s lives might develop parallel to each other, it is crucial for communication and access to exist between these two groups. It is only through the interaction and understanding of policies and community concerns that society can target improvements and support. As such, the services provided by companies such as CISCO are crucial for a city’s well-being. To talk with us about how CISCO and city governments have collaborated for the betterment of communities is Gary DePreta, the Area Vice-President for the US Public Sector in State, Local Governments, and Education at CISCO.

What Happened to the New Normal?  

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Over the past two years, many have speculated about the post-pandemic world, what will it look like and how will mobility patterns be affected by it? As restrictions have been progressively lifted, the new normal looks very similar to the old status quo, with congestion levels in cities that have bounced back to their pre-pandemic levels. How has this impacted sustainable forms of transport, safety, and mobility regulatory frameworks? Has the mobility behaviour of users changed? What longer-term effects can be expected from the pandemic?