Urban Air Mobility: From Sci-Fi to Reality


Many of us imagined a future of flying cars and transport within cities. This has been recently turning from a fantasy into a reality, with advances in Urban Air Mobility. We’re not at the level of flying cars yet, but the future is quickly approaching. To speak with us Urban Air Mobility are two intriguing speakers. Denise Soesilo is a Managing Partner and Co-Founder of the consultancy Outsight International, she’s also an ADDA Scaling Lead for UNICEF, and a UAS and Clean Technologies Consultant for the World Bank. Yoann Le Petit is a Business Development Manager at EIT Urban Mobility. Ms. Soesilo, Mr. Le Petit, what a pleasure to have you here. Mr. Le Petit, why don’t we start with you. Why does EITUM consider UAM a key sector in the future of mobility?

Kaisa Sibelius, Forum Virium Helsinki | Are Climate Agendas Ambitious and Effective Enough?

Kaisa Sibelius

Climate change has been at the top of many citizens’ concerns, especially in recent years. Governments have been slow to act, but have slowly developed climate-sustainable agendas. However, are these agendas ambitious and effective enough? To discuss we have an expert on the field. Kaisa Sibelius is the Project Manager & Coordinator for the AI4Cities PCP Project, which focuses on cities employing artificial intelligence for sustainability, for Forum Virium Helsinki.

Singles and urbanism: towards cities with fewer couples

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Living alone is one of the silent trends affecting today’s urbanism. It may be hard to believe, but the phenomenon has implications that go beyond the demographic sphere. How is it affecting cities and their economies?

EIT Urban Mobility | 15-Minute Cities


The concept of 15-minute cities is taking Europe by the storm with such metropolises as Paris, Rome, Dublin, and Utrecht becoming pilot cases. The concept idealizes a citizen having every service they would deem necessary, from recreation, to sanitation, and food within a 15-minute radius of their residence. To talk with us about how urban mobility has helped facilitate this idea are two great speakers. Mark Harrison is the Founder and Managing Director of Triple Tread Limited, a company specializing on making an innovative new tricycle. Lluis Puerto is the Factory Director at EIT Urban Mobility. Mr. Harrison, Mr. Puerto, what a joy to have you here with us. Mr. Puerto: can you explain how the 15-minute city can contribute to a more sustainable urban mobility, and what some of the challenges it raises might be? 

Ron Finley | When Gardening Helps a Neighborhood Thrive


We focus on many macro-issues here at Smart Cities, but sometimes citizens’ concerns come down to very basic needs like food. Being able to eat healthy and sustainable food, is key for the health of citizens as well as the climate. Communal and urban gardens have sprouted in cities around the world, helping bring nutritious and affordable food options for its community. To talk with us about his incredibly successful venture in Los Angeles is Ron Finley, a self-described Gagsta Garnder and heads The Ron Finley Project, which seeks to teach communities how to transform food deserts into food sanctuaries. He also has a popular Masterclass in Gardening.

Irene Skoula, C40 Cities | Energy Poverty, Climate Sustainability & Geopolitics


Energy has become such an essential provision in our societies that it’s hard to imagine functioning without a healthy supply of it. From cooking, to sanitation, lighting, heat, and more, energy powers our cities figuratively and literally. However, energy supply brings its own challenges, from scarcity and energy poverty in some areas, to climate sustainability efforts in others. To talk with us about how cities can face these obstacles is Irene Skoula, Director of Energy and Buildings at C40 Cities, a network of nearly 100 world-leading cities taking urgent action to confront the climate crisis.

Buenos Aires and the Self-Sovereign Digital City

The Self-Sovereign Digital City - image

The digital transformation of the world in recent decades has given many individuals an autonomy previously unthinkable; allowing them to work from home, be seen by a doctor online, and get university degrees from thousands of kilometers away. This autonomy and self-sovereignty also applies to cities, as they seek to serve their citizens in better ways. To talk with us about self-sovereign digital cities is none other than Diego Fernandez, the Secretary of Innovation and Digital Transformation for the Buenos Aires City Government in Argentina.