Olga Chepelianskaia | Hitting Green Goals Through Zero-Emission Building


All around the world, cities, countries, and companies are trying to hit their respective zero-emission goals. At the crux of this ambition is the building sector, which will prove decisive in determining whether green goals are met. To discern this crucial matter, we have an incredibly insightful speaker. Olga Chepelianskaia, is an international sustainability expert and founder of UNICTI, a network of practitioners striving to revive and expand uniqueness in Asian cities.

Smart City Institute Japan: A Shift Towards Sustainability & Wellbeing

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In response to changing demographics and the challenges posed by an increase in urban concentration, governments must find new ways to ensure long-term social and economic stability. Here to speak with us about the shift away from focus that is purely on material growth, and towards an emphasis on sustainability and well-being, is Takehiko Nagumo. Mr. Nagumo is Director of the Smart City Institute in Japan and developed the Livable Well-Being City Indicator.

Martha Thorne, IE University of Architecture and Design | Let’s Teach our Cities

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We all want our cities to grow and improve, and yet having the creative mind and ideas to design such improvements is essential. Educating the city and transforming how it functions and works is thus up to innovative minds to undertake. Speaking with us is one such innovative mind. Martha Thorne is a Distinguished Professor at the IE School of Architecture and Design in Madrid, she was previously a Dean at the school for seven years, and an Executive Director for the renown Pritzker Architecture Prize for sixteen years. She currently also serves as a Senior Advisor for the Henrik F. Obel Foundation.

Milestone Systems: How Video Surveillance Can Benefit Healthcare, Business and Citizens Wellbeing

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The use of video surveillance technology is well established in many countries as a way of monitoring citizens and improving security. With an estimated one billion surveillance cameras worldwide, many cities already rely on the video footage to support security and law enforcement purposes. To talk with us about how video management software can go beyond this also benefit healthcare, the wellbeing of city residents, and businesses, is Jaime Durbán, Business Developing Manager at Milestone Systems.

Sorigué: A New Water Mining Project to Upgrade Cities Infrastructure

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City governments do their best to manage and upgrade their infrastructures and services. Many times, however, a collaboration with private companies is necessary. This allows for greater efficiency and productivity, which benefits the city as a whole. To talk with us about how this collaboration unfolds, and the exciting projects being undertaken is Joan Pons, Sorigué’s Director of Innovation. Sorigué is a group of companies specialized in city services, construction, water engineering, and technology.

CARNET: Robot Ona as the Future of Delivery


In many ways it feels as if we’re already living in the future, with the rapid digitization and automation of many services and infrastructures. Cities are crucial grounds in which to implement new technologies and innovations that seek to make our lives more productive and efficient. To talk with us about an exciting innovation for urban spaces is none other than Laia Pagès, Executive & Research Manager at CARNET a Future Mobility Research Company. She got her PhD in Transportation Engineering at the University of California, Irvine.

What Possibilities Exist for Startups to Scale in the Mobility Sector?

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Being a Smart City is about much more than just implementing the latest digital technology to improve the use of resources. It also means becoming a more interactive and responsive city working to improve citizens’ quality of life and accelerate progress on climate targets. The European Smart Cities and Communities is a joint initiative of 30 initiatives led by the European Commission. To talk us through how the imitative is developing and deploying smart solutions and policies to achieve climate neutrality goals, we’re joined by Mr. Georg Houben, Policy Officer with the EU Commission’s Directorate General for Energy.