Gunter Pauli: The Blue Economy, a Portfolio of Opportunities


The Blue Economy transforms innovations into novel business models. How to communicate underwater using ultrasound. How to remove microplastics from seawater like our lungs extract CO2 from our blood. How to produce hydrogen from seawater at a third of the cost. How to forecast the weather measuring water density. How to capture wind power at altitudes using robotics and AI securing baseload power… are only a few of the breakthroughs that are the basis of a portfolio of new business models that can very turn into the industries of the 21st century.

Engaging Citizens for a Collective Future


Collaboration and co-creation for a better quality of life, well-being, development, and governance is the ultimate approach for trust-building and decision-making. How are cities tackling their main development and equity challenges? What is the role of citizens’ engagement and collaboration in this process?

Jim Walker, Walk21 Foundation | New Ways to Achieve Gender Equality in Transport

New Ways to Achieve Gender Equality in Transport – Keynote Jim Walker IMAGE

A growing body of evidence points to the differences between men and women travel patterns and mode usage. While it is common to consider urban transport to be gender-neutral, transport planning is unconsciously biased towards traditional male travel patterns and modes. What are the structural gender differences and mobility patterns resulting from them? How can they be best taken into account by cities and urban planners?

Heather Allen, Median SRL | New Ways to Achieve Gender Equality in Transport

New Ways to Achieve Gender Equality in Transport – Keynote Heather Allen IMAGE

A growing body of evidence points to the differences between men and women travel patterns and mode usage. While it is common to consider urban transport to be gender-neutral, transport planning is unconsciously biased towards traditional male travel patterns and modes. What are the structural gender differences and mobility patterns resulting from them? How can they be best taken into account by cities and urban planners?

Benjamin Büttner | Accessibility and Inclusiveness: Drivers of New Urban Mobility

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Debates on the inclusiveness of urban space have been gaining attention with compelling mobility concepts such as the 15mn city. Centred around principles such as accessibility, proximity, or tactical urbanism, these concepts call for an overhaul of how public space is distributed in cities – and could completely reset urban mobility systems. How far are cities from implementing this vision? What are priorities areas that should be addressed to get there? What opportunities can be expected from street redesign and public realm transformations?

Qatar’s lavish World Cup Stadiums

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The 2022 World Cup in Qatar has sparked both passion and controversy. The sporting event has been held amid a complex and not so favorable reality. The eight spectacular stadiums built for the event are an example of these contradictions.

What is the Anthropocene and what are its main challenges

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The Anthropocene defines Earth’s new period, one in which human activity is changing the environment at such a speed that it is not able to recover its previous state. Cities have a key role to play in a sustainable Anthropocene, and in a human race with a future.