Play and childhood: child-friendly urban design
Children from the baby boomer generation spent 71% of their time playing outside compared with 27% today. What can cities do to provide more spaces and leisure time for children?
Perfect Storm: Public Transport to the Rescue - Solutions Talks
In a context of high energy prices, inflation skyrocketing and supply chains disruption, increasing urbanisation, expectations toward public transport are higher than ever. Yet in many cities, public transport networks reach the limits of their capacity. Faced with these challenges, how can public transport innovations keep the service reliable and affordable?
Five technologies that were set to revolutionize cities and failed
The trial and error heuristic has been associated with the history of technological development. Of course, this applies to cities too, and many of them have been at the center of the success and failure of all sorts of solutions.
How can declining birth rates affect cities?
It is undeniable that our species is facing a demographic transition. Structural reasons are more common in urban areas, and the number people voluntarily choosing not to have children or voluntary childlessness is increasing too.
What makes a walkable city
What is and what defines a city of walkable or proximity city? What services, access, transportation, etc. should it have in order to make it fully walkable for its residents?
How Haussmann cleaned up the ‘dangerous’ Paris of old and established the bases of modern urbanism
Old Paris was a festering, dark, and crime-ridden place. Haussmann set himself to change that, and in many ways laid the foundations of modern urbanism.
Can MaaS coexist with public transport?
How can MaaS coexist with public transport? Mobility as a service can be a good complement to conventional public transport. How can they improve each other?
Kilometers of colossal tunnels and vaults: how Tokyo is protecting itself from floods
Is it possible to combat natural elements? Possibly not. But Japan has managed to reduce the havoc of the typhoon season by building a colossal cathedral-like underground complex to collect massive amounts of rainfall.
Ghost kitchens: what are they and how are they affecting urban dynamics
Ghost kitchens have existed for decades, although the rise in home delivery services came with the COVID-19 pandemic, often generating problems among the residents who are subjected to the external factors of such businesses.
Smart urban development: can sustainable suburbs be created?
Smart housing estates: How to create more sustainable suburbs? Densify, provide services, reduce car use… How to retrofit residential suburbs and successfully incorporate them into cities