Grand infrastructure projects aren’t a magic bullet for industrial development – insights from Ghana and Kenya
The African Union’s Agenda 2063 initiative focuses on large-scale infrastructure development and aims to connect the continent through rail, road, sea, and air transportation.
Albanese government urged to push international banks to stop funding fossil fuel development
Report claims Australia’s shareholdings in development banks has made it responsible for investing $828m in fossil fuel projects over five years.
Cyber resilience, pillars and examples of cities that apply them
Discover the importance of cyber resilience in smart cities and companies. What are the strategies, measurements and components of this concept?
Montreal’s underground city: Seven things not to be missed
Lying beneath the surface of some major cities are other underground levels. A perfect example of this, at an international level, is Montreal’s underground city (RÉSO), in Canada. Why is it so famous?
Green hydrogen: what is it and how can cities use it?
Hydrogen is set to be the fuel of the future, but it has already encountered an obstacle: obtaining and producing it without emissions, i.e., as green hydrogen, is no simple task.
Genetically modified plants to clean the air in cities?
If cities are considered a machine or an organism, then the vegetation within them acts as filters or kidneys. Could genetically modified plants like Neoplants (Neo P1) clean the air in cities?
Smart City Expo Santiago del Estero 2023
Durante tres días, la sustentabilidad, la innovación, la inclusión y el bienestar, el desarrollo económico, la participación y la colaboración y la educación se abordarán como los seis temas principales, reuniendo a pensadores y tomadores de decisiones a nivel internacional, ponentes reconocidos de las principales ciudades y autoridades nacionales de Argentina, junto con empresas y organizaciones líderes, que explicarán, discutirán, darán a conocer herramienta, inspirarán e intercambiarán sus conocimientos e ideas innovadoras sobre cómo llegar al desarrollo inteligente y sostenible, mostrando diferentes proyectos, iniciativas y soluciones para lograr comunidades más sostenibles.
What life is like in Chongqing, the largest city in the world.
The megacity of Chongqing is the largest city in the world by population. In its center, residents are stacked in skyscrapers like beehives, some of which are so compact that residents can even chat with their neighbors in the apartment in front without even shouting.
What is generative artificial intelligence and how can our cities benefit from it
Discover how generative AI is transforming our world and how it will influence smart cities. Learn what it is, how it works, its benefits, and its posibilities.
Warehouses are afflicting air and noise pollution on millions of Americans
Warehouses are cropping up all over the US thanks to e-commerce. That’s bringing truck traffic and tailpipe emissions closer to neighborhoods and disproportionately afflicting communities of color.