FEMP supports Spanish municipalities in Smart Territories and Cities by promoting digital strategies, technological innovation and best practices for sustainable urban development and drives city networks
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus, enim quis luctus aliquet, quam quam porttitor mauris, nec volutpat massa odio in felis. Aliquam imperdiet justo et lacus porttitor, nec ultricies augue volutpat. Nunc pharetra velit a eleifend aliquam. Morbi sagittis quam vel sollicitudin iaculis. Vestibulum et ultricies dolor, vitae commodo nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla eleifend vel nisl eget sodales. Suspendisse tempus cursus interdum. Nunc pretium enim eget dolor porttitor, vitae vehicula nulla varius. Nulla ligula sem, tincidunt a nunc nec, sagittis laoreet augue. Donec in libero nulla. Phasellus ornare sapien sit amet enim imperdiet lobortis.
RECI. Accompanying cities and territories in their digital and sustainable transformation.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus, enim quis luctus aliquet, quam quam porttitor mauris, nec volutpat massa odio in felis. Aliquam imperdiet justo et lacus porttitor, nec ultricies augue volutpat. Nunc pharetra velit a eleifend aliquam. Morbi sagittis quam vel sollicitudin iaculis. Vestibulum et ultricies dolor, vitae commodo nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla eleifend vel nisl eget sodales. Suspendisse tempus cursus interdum. Nunc pretium enim eget dolor porttitor, vitae vehicula nulla varius. Nulla ligula sem, tincidunt a nunc nec, sagittis laoreet augue. Donec in libero nulla. Phasellus ornare sapien sit amet enim imperdiet lobortis.
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus, enim quis luctus aliquet, quam quam porttitor mauris, nec volutpat massa odio in felis. Aliquam imperdiet justo et lacus porttitor, nec ultricies augue volutpat. Nunc pharetra velit a eleifend aliquam. Morbi sagittis quam vel sollicitudin iaculis. Vestibulum et ultricies dolor, vitae commodo nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla eleifend vel nisl eget sodales. Suspendisse tempus cursus interdum. Nunc pretium enim eget dolor porttitor, vitae vehicula nulla varius. Nulla ligula sem, tincidunt a nunc nec, sagittis laoreet augue. Donec in libero nulla. Phasellus ornare sapien sit amet enim imperdiet lobortis.
Meet the joint European Commission representation of initiatives and projects
Under the European Commission’s umbrella, this collective presence aims to highlight various urban and sustainable city activities from multiple perspectives. All partners share the common goal of fostering a European movement to adopt, replicate, and scale sustainable urban solutions, accelerating the delivery of the EU Green Deal and REPowerEU at the local level. The participating partners and initiatives span a wide range of areas and backgrounds, including strategies to accelerate the EU Green Deal, Positive Energy in Districts and Buildings, and the power of Communities and Digitalisation for a Greener Future.
Save the date! 18TH NOV 2024
The Rise of Lovable Cities at Global Race for Talent
What makes a city attractive to talent is strongly related to human decisions: after all, they are based on the inexplicable love of a city in which a life project makes more sense. Or perhaps there is an explanation behind these choices. Which cities hold the top spot in that talent attraction ranking? Why are they in the lead?
AI for Modern City Administration: Revolutionising Public Sector Efficiency
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming how city administrations manage operations, services, and citizen engagement. At its essence, AI is about crafting computer systems capable of tasks that normally require human intellect, such as understanding speech or recognising images. It is a broad field that includes machine learning (ML), deep learning, and generative AI, each contributing uniquely to automating processes and enhancing decision-making.
The re-emergence of the tram: transport for the sustainable transition
As technology develops, it is common that advancements often phase out older systems in favour of new innovations. However, in the realm of urban mobility, a notable exception is emerging. Once sidelined by the rise of car-centric infrastructure, one mode of public transport is making a striking comeback: the tram.
Mastering mobility: demand responsive transport
How can mobility providers avoid running empty or near-empty buses through rural areas but still provide public transport for the people who live or work there? And how can cities avoid private car usage during times where public transport availability is low?
Designing for all: principles of universal access in public transportation
The concept of universal access refers to the design and operation of built environments, products, services and systems that can be used by all people, regardless of their abilities, age or other factors. The ultimate goal of universal access is to create inclusive spaces and experiences accessible to everyone, without necessitating additional adaptations or specialisations.