What are floating solar panels and why are they capturing the attention of experts

floating solar panels

Author | M. Martínez Euklidiadas Power generation using floating photovoltaic panels is causing a sensation in some sectors, particularly in those related to urban water management  —from 1.1 MWp in 2010 to over 3500 MWp in 2020— because of the way floatovoltaics are complemented by water storage or transportation of the same without losses. What […]

Smart mobility hubs: the future of clean and accessible transport

Smart mobility hubs

Author | M. Martínez Euklidiadas One of the most fascinating aspects of Japan is that the Shinkansen mid-and high-speed rail network that forms the backbone of the country is perfectly integrated with the subway and commuter train system, bus loading bays and public bicycle systems of each town. Sometimes, in places like Tokyo, you don’t […]

Plastic in the construction sector: a circular solution to recycling plastic waste?

Plastic in the construction sector

Author | M. Martínez Euklidiadas Could bricks made from reused plastic be a partial solution to the plastic pollution problem? As anyone who has stepped barefoot on a Lego brick knows, plastic as a construction material can withstand an incredible level of pressure if the quality is high and the design is appropriate. Plastic as […]

Barcelona’s innovative smart water management makes the most of every drop

Smart water management in Barcelona

Author | M. Martínez Euklidiadas Barcelona is the second must populated city in Spain, with 1.6 million people, with this figure increasing to 3.3 million in its metropolitan area, and the city is a European and global leader in smart water management, thanks partly to the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) to its […]

The power of “co” in the future of cities


Author | This is a guest post written by Aticco The ever-evolving scene of urban development promotes the implementation of innovative solutions in cities that enhance the quality of life for their inhabitants, while focusing on the concepts of sustainability, efficiency and community engagement. In this context, community-centered solutions, such as coworking and coliving spaces, are […]