Utility Driven Connectivity for Cities: Potentials & Limitations

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In recent years, we’ve seen traditional telecom operators, LoraWan network operators, and other alternative IoT connectivity providers, such as Sigfox, build nationwide networks before connecting the first IoT device. Both Connexin and Itron have taken a different approach, beginning by deploying networks they operate (LoraWan for Connexin and Wi-Sun Mesh for Itron) in their primary markets (UK for Connexin, US and Australia for Itron) to address specific use cases on specific projects, and then working with their clients to open network access to third parties, based on a revenue-sharing model when possible. In this panel, filmed at the Smart City Expo,we delve deeper into this topic with Jon Collinson, Head of Product Marketing at Connexin, and Dan Evans, Head of Smart Cities at Itron.

Video by our media partner Kurrant Insights, a strategy, technology and media company in IoT and smart cities.

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