A multifunctional C-ITS device, which improves traffic safety on unregulated pedestrian crosswalks.
Wrong decisions made by road users, attributed to the lack of information about the traffic environment, can be considered to be the primary cause of traffic accidents. We have developed a device to solve this problem. The Smart Pedestrian Crosswalk monitors the situation on traffic lanes and sidewalks and has implemented several safety and notification functions.
The main task of the SPC is to improve the awareness of road users located nearby and to notify road users of the probable traffic hazard. SPC uses LED lights on the pole to notify drivers and audio signal to notify pedestrians. To detect the situations involving traffic hazards, narrow artificial intelligence algorithms are used, which are capable of predicting the moving trajectories of the road users and warn them in advance. To attain the objectives of Level 5 autonomous driving, we need to improve the perception of the vehicles beyond what is created by on-vehicle sensors.
At Bercman, we achieve this by enabling additional perception for the vehicles through road side sensors, for example by using our Smart Pedestrian Crosswalk to see behind corners and detect road users well in advance. The SPC supports V2X (infrastructure-to-vehicle) communication enabling automatic communication between all communication-ready traffic entities.
Smart Pedestrian Crosswalk
Smart Pedestrian Crosswalk
Smart Pedestrian Crosswalk brochure Download document
Company Link: www.bercman.com
E-mail: hans.leis@bercman.com
Contact Phone: +372 53495595
Product Link: www.bercman.com/products/spc