NaviLens – the next generation QR code for a smart and inclusive mobility

NaviLens – the next generation QR code for a smart and inclusive mobility

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NaviLens – the next generation QR code for a smart and inclusive mobility.

One of the great challenges visually impaired people face in the cities, on a daily basis is autonomous mobility. Spaces such as subways, train stations, subways, etc. are particularly complex for a visually impaired person. NaviLens allows making accessible any transit element on smart cities through proprietary NaviLens codes, a superior kind of QR code that can be scanned by blind people at 12 meters far away without focusing it.

The NaviLens technology is so versatile that the codes.

  1. Makes accessible any space for the visually-impaired people in the most efficient way,
  2. Solving the wayfinding issues to everyone offering an innovative Augmented Reality (AR) experience to all sighted users through virtual digital arrows,
  3. Offering a stunning wayfinding experience for users in wheelchairs, and
  4. And breaking language barriers, serving all the information automatically in 33 languages

The NaviLens technology has been tested and validated by the visually-impaired associations around the world (RNIB, ONCE, The Lighthouse Guild, Bartimaus) and has been rapidly implemented in very important public transport systems around the world, such as the American public transport entity MTA, New York Metro and Bus Stop, Barcelona Metro and its 2,400 bus stops(TMB), Madrid Atocha Station(ADIF), Soto de Henares Station(RENFE), Los Angeles Metro(LA METRO), Bus stops and Alicante), San Sebastián Bus Station(San Sebastián City Council), Murcia Tram, among others.

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