100 new cities by 2050: Architecture, planning, urban design, infrastructure and real estate

My list


In 2018, the World Economic Forum released a list of the world’s most future-proof cities. San Francisco topped the list, followed by New York, London, Boston, Los Angeles, Paris, Amsterdam, Toronto, San Diego and Chicago. This week, I would like to share global best practices that are being implemented to make cities future-proof. We can also apply these best practices to help our cities remain resilient despite rapid urbanization and other challenges.

I have guest-lectured at Harvard and studied eight courses there, including Advanced Management Development Program for Real Estate, Master Planning and Sustainability, and Architecture and Sustainability. We have also written three books and more than 700 published articles here and abroad about architecture, urban planning, design, infrastructure, real estate and global best practices. After visiting more than 2,000 cities in 79 countries and territories, I have observed that there are at least six types of infrastructure for world-class and more successful cities. These are progressive, hard, soft, institutional, green/sustainable and, the latest, digital infrastructure.

+INFO: The Manila Times

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