Metropolis, making the world’s largest cities more liveable

Metropolis, making the world’s largest cities more liveable

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Metropolis is a global network of the world’s largest cities—providing innovative solutions to the critical challenges facing large metropolitan areas.

Bringing together over 150 member cities and 700 million inhabitants worldwide, Metropolis serves as a global hub where metropolises can connect, share solutions and mobilize on issues related to sustainability, social cohesion, metropolitan governance, future planning and gender equality.

Metropolis has long-attended Smart City Expo World Congress to share our latest projects to future-proof metropolitan areas. In November, we will seek to connect with global cities and other key actors who are looking to collaborate internationally to advance their work on urban innovation. This year we will also be representing the COMANAGE Project (funded by the EU LIFE Programme) to share knowledge and tools to help make renewable energy communities successful in metropolitan areas.



Caitlin Law
Communications Officer

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